Értékmegőrző|SAFE Art Studio
Our studio focused on the borderlines of science and arts and on the opportunities to cross these borders, keeping the key position for
contemporary choreography and experimental video.
As an independent art institution, we provide possibility for authors and researchers to realize theire interdisciplinary, intermedia ideas, works.
As an independent professional organization our work similar to the well-known Műhely Foundation, but as we have a shorter history, our institution has less factor in the national scene, on the other hand, we focus on the new medial implements, and border areas of art.
It means, when theartists of the Trafo point to the present, as a dance history point and make up the question: End of choreography?...this is the point where we start our work: new forms, new language, finding new tools. In this work, artists, researchers and professional and administrative staff are involved, too.
In order for projects to be created, official work is essential:
- project monitoring, writing, accounting,
- email, telephone, postal correspondence with professionals communication institutions
- Preparation projects
- promote projects (full press campaign, newsletter-care)
- financial management
- technical and financial assistance
- foundations dos
- volunteering
- equipment purchase, rental, leasing
Our institution focuses in every activities of its own to create the legitimacy for every art that was born on the borderline. Our long-term goal to establish the existence of dance film. We try to represent in Hungary and even abroad all of the creators who are working and sreating in this genre.
- monitoring Hungarian dance-film artists' works
- professional advices
- professional, technical support and co-operation, residencies, grants, sponsorships, promotion
- professionalcommunications, scientific discourse
- organising meetings, workshops, training courses, invite trainers.
- curatorial tasks - recommendat Hungarian artists and works for foreign institutions.
Our institution has several National,European and oversea partners and constantly working on to creatie new professional contacts, consolidate.
Our volunteers help us to get new copies from around the World, these copies are then beoame digitalized, and catalogized by their form and content. The current system because of technical (financial) and legal reasons ais offline: meaning that nationals can reach it. Our archives now looking for a new base - since we were forced to moved.
The key of the legitimacy of a science field or genre is adequate supply of professionally valid publications, theoretical and historical work. Unfortunatelly in Hungary it is hard to find such ones. Although there is a large number of dance films, even modestly supported. Yet the science expands, or ignores it, and on the other hand as the result of the first reason, there is no knowledgeable professional criticism. There are only ad hoc incompetent analysis.
It is not a miracle, the critic should be familiar with dance, dance history, film and the general aesthetics. Such professionals are not cultivated in Hungary. Our institution's long-term goal is to to change this.
- organise, co-organise thematic scientific seminars, conferences, meeting
- to appear in national and international conferences with thematic lectures
- scientific texts is
- promotion of vocational training

photo: Linda Szabó , Viktor Bóna