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About us

The idea of establishing the currently existing Értékmegőrző|SAFE as an independent interdisciplinary was roughly born in 2005-2006 from two independent follow-up events:
One is connected to Gábor Dettre, film and theatre director and Melinda Szöllősi, assistant director.
They planned to open a documentary library in Budapest Ráday street, where they would have collected cataloged video materials, which could have
helped the researchers, interested in alternative theatre, dance and experimental film.

Réka Szűcs - general manager of the BEM Art Cinema - was asked by them to manage the institution.

They never have been finally "got inside," but their outlined ideas now integrated by the SAFE Contemporary Art Studio
And Filmarchive instead of the SAFE Art Center.

The brand, in December, 2006 behind the mission appeared a legal entity, the Apodosz Foundation (apodosz=the upward path) and Gábor Dettre became one of the curators.

The other "founding event" was a joint initiative by István Juhos Putto choreographer, artistic manager Tamás Lóky and Réka Szűcs -
they organised a private screening for the national contemporary dance community in the Bem Art Cinema, showing the dance film of Slovenian artists
Istok Kovac and Saso Podgorsek What Are You Going to Do When You Get Out of Here?, which was co-produced by László Kántor and the New Budapest Filmstudio.

Since then Juhos and Szűcs are active participants in the SAFE-projects, while Lóky started to organise with choreographer Zoltán Nagy an other
institution, the SÍN Cultural Center (We find Juhos in the early SIN-crew as the "predecessor" and member of the Gesture Workshop Association and
Szűcs as external crew member.)

fotó: Szabó Linda, Nagy Árpád

© Értékmegőrző|SAFE Art Studio 2012.  címlapfotó|cover photo: Rumann Gábor, modell|model:Bordás Emil, Szűcs Dóra Ida (Isten báránya|Agnus Dei)

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